NRA has been monitoring Cassowary populations at Defence sites (Cowley Beach Training Area and Tully Training Area) for approximately 20 years. These sites are part of the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area and support Cassowary populations of high conservation significance. Prior to 1998, no standardised monitoring technique for cassowaries existed. NRA has developed and implemented an innovative, robust and repeatable method for monitoring cassowaries.
NRA conducted field assessments of flying-fox roosts in the Central Highlands Regional Council Local Government Area and prepared a flying-fox management plan that:
NRA surveyed for the presence and abundance of Siam Weed and other weed species in the Mount Cook (Magnetic Island) Obstruction Beacon Authority Area and the receiving environment. The results of these surveys and advice regarding ongoing weed management were presented in a report.
NRA conducted a baseline flora and fauna assessment of the Mount Dromedary Graphite Project area to inform an environmental approvals application. The assessment included a desk-based review and seasonal field surveys. Potential project-related impacts and management measures were identified, and the potential for significant residual impact was assessed.